Open source

Import/Export DigitalMicrograph images

Python script to convert DigitalMicrograph images into Numpy arrays and back. It provides the capability to read .dm3 and .dm4 files, treating them as Numpy arrays and leveraging various Python libraries. Additionally, the script allows for writing the processed data back into the .dm3 or .dm4 format. The package also includes an interface with Hyperspy for enhanced functionality.

last updated 21.07.2022


The SetProfile DM plugin is designed to handle multi-compositional line profiles across elemental maps. This script streamlines the process of managing line profile settings to achieve optimal visualization of multi-compositional variations. It enables quick adjustment of profile parameters to enhance the appearance of the data.

last updated: 11.08.2021

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The Stereo DM plugin facilitates the creation of a stereo pair from two TEM images captured at different tilts. The tool description provides instructions on perceiving a 3D object from this stereo pair without the need for any additional technical equipment. It enables the visualization of a 3D representation using simple techniques.

last updated: 6.08.2021

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The TrackDrift DM plugin monitors the drift of a TEM sample by continuously observing a live, dynamically updated image known as a “search” image, generated by DigitalMicrograph View or Digiscan tools. This tool accurately measures and displays the magnitude and direction of the ongoing sample drift. Additionally, it maintains a temporal graph of the drift in a separate display, allowing for easy tracking and analysis of the drift over time.

last updated 6.08.2021

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Images frequently show intensity gradients caused by uneven illumination or variations in thickness. The Flattener DM plugin provides an easy straightforward solution for this issue. With its user-friendly interface, users can quickly achieve optimal results in just a few seconds. This tool efficiently corrects the intensity gradients, enhancing the overall quality and visual appearance of the images.

last updated 6.08.2021

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This DM plugin emulates the functionality of the Digiscan spectrum-imaging tool, with the distinction that it generates 2D spectra instead of 1D. This means you can capture a spectrum-image of a q-E (momentum transfer on the vertical axis, energy on the horizontal axis) EELS map, allowing for comprehensive data collection and analysis. By providing 2D spectra output, the tool offers enhanced capabilities for studying and interpreting the obtained results.

last updated 6.08.2021

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This DM plugin, once outdated, has recently undergone significant improvements and redesign to meet modern standards. It now offers enhanced functionality for measuring dimensions and angles in DigitalMicrograph images. The plugin allows for the creation of easily adjustable and manipulable labels, enabling users to arrange them for optimal image appearance. With its updated features, this plugin provides a more seamless and efficient experience for dimension and angle measurements in DigitalMicrograph images.

last updated 6.08.2021

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This DM plugin enables multi-run cumulative acquisition of EELS, including simultaneous low-loss and core-loss acquisition, similar to the functionality implemented in Gatan dual-EELS.

last updated 09/02/2023

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This DM scripts library comprises a collection of classes designed to extend the functionality of standard DigitalMicrograph dialog and image frames. It provides additional capabilities to enhance and customize the features available within the software.

last updated 17.10.2016

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This DM plugin emulates a simplified TEM user interface and includes essential scripting commands for seamless communication between DigitalMicrograph and TEM. It provides a convenient and efficient means of interaction, allowing users to control TEM operations from within the DigitalMicrograph environment.

last updated 6/11/2023

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This DM plugin streamlines the process of acquiring, displaying, and saving large batches of TEM images. It is specifically designed to work with Virtual TEM in offline systems, enabling efficient handling of extensive image datasets.

last updated 16/08/2016

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This DM plugin enables interactive field of view manipulation in the live image by simply clicking the mouse. It provides a user-friendly method to navigate and adjust the field of view in real-time, enhancing the convenience and flexibility of the imaging process.

last updated 2.11.2017

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This DM plugin serves as a straightforward timer for counting time intervals associated with various tasks, such as Nitrogen refills.

last updated 25.10.2017

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This DM plugin assists in locating bugs in DigitalMicrograph (DM) scripts by incorporating print markers. By inserting these markers strategically, the script aids in the debugging process by printing relevant information at specific points during script execution. This helps identify and isolate potential issues, facilitating effective troubleshooting and improving script reliability.

last updated 19.08.2016

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This DM script provides the functionality to import TIA SER images and TIFF SEM images from various systems such as FEI, Zeiss, and AnalySiS into DigitalMicrograph. It streamlines the process of importing and integrating images from different platforms, ensuring compatibility and ease of use within the DigitalMicrograph environment.

last updated 1.08.2022

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This DM script enables the tracking of recently opened folders in DigitalMicrograph and provides a convenient means to navigate swiftly among them.

last updated 9.02.2019

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