TEMDM Spectrum Imager is updated!
Download the latest version at Spectrum-Imaging – TemDM

Dataset provided by Hao Xiong, Tsinghua University.
The version 1.3 can load 4D STEM data from dm3/dm4 and EMPAD formats and visualize the data features with a virtual aperture. 4D STEM data are often huge in size that make their handling inconvenient. To mitigate the problem, the Spectrum Imager offers several option to clip the data without losing the important content.
Most important: Spectrum Imager can denoise 4D STEM data similar to denoising EELS/EDX datacubes.
We still have a problem with exporting data into dm3/dm4 format. That will come later.
The free downloadable ‘temDM_SpectrumImager_1_3_0 setup.exe’ file install the package automatically into the ‘C: /Program Files’ folder. Do not afraid to run this file, our long-term users know that the TEMDM software is safe. The installation process is transparent and allows for clean uninstalling if required. In case you have already installed the previous version, the package will be automatically updated.
Added (18.02.2024): Thanks to our followers, the export into dm3/dm4 is now working. We also added few facilities for fragments selection. Download the version 1.3.1 !
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