Get STEMCOR advanced


Is non-linear correction for STEM distortions necessary?

The choice of correction method depends on the task at hand. Linear correction may suffice when working in the middle-magnification range. However, for high magnifications, particularly in atomically resolved STEM, non-linear correction becomes essential. This is due to imperfections in the scan generator, which can lead to positioning inaccuracies, instabilities, and mechanical stage shaking. While these imperfections may be negligible in the middle-magnification range, they become more apparent and impactful in high-resolution work.

Can scan jitters be removed with this non-linear correction?

Certainly! Non-linear correction can greatly reduce the impact of STEM jitters. Jitters typically manifest as distorted lattices and jagged shapes of atomic columns. It’s important to note that TEMDM STEMcor addresses jitters by assuming no jitters within each scanning row but accounting for jumps between rows. This approach ensures highly accurate positioning of atomic columns, even though some minor jaggedness may still be observed in their shapes. However, in most cases, these subtle imperfections are considered cosmetic and do not significantly affect the overall interpretation of the data.

Should I pay for using the advanced version?

The software is not available for free and is priced at 900 Euro. While our aim is to keep the price as minimal as possible, it is necessary to cover the costs associated with development and customization. By purchasing the advanced version, you indirectly support the availability of the basic version for free download. We appreciate your contribution, as it enables us to continue providing valuable resources to the community.

What DO I get by purchasing the advanced version of temDM STEMcor

When you acquire your customized licensed plugin, you have the option to choose the edition for GMS1, GMS2, GMS3, or all of them in a single purchase order, with the price remaining unaffected by the number of editions required. Additionally, your purchase includes technical support and consultation to assist you in maximizing the usage of the package. Furthermore, you are entitled to free updates with new versions, ensuring that you have access to the latest enhancements and features.

Can I pay with credit card?

Payment for the plugin cannot be made through credit card at the moment. The plugin is intended for purchase exclusively through your organization. To receive a quotation, kindly fill out the form provided below.

Will I get a personal ownership of the licensed plugin?

The license for the plugin will be owned by the organization that makes the purchase. As long as you remain with this organization, you are authorized to use the plugin.

Is there discount for academical institutions?

While we do not offer specific discounts for customers from universities or research units, we do provide discounts of up to 30% for individuals who actively contribute to the development of the project. This includes individuals who provide valuable suggestions, share information about data formats, and offer relevant experimental examples. We appreciate and acknowledge the valuable contributions of these individuals by offering them discounted pricing.

How many installations of the advanced version am I allowed to make?

The licensed plugin may be installed on multiple PCs, provided that all devices are under your control. It is crucial to ensure that the plugin is not uncontrollably or unauthorizedly distributed beyond your authorized devices. We prioritize the protection of our licensed software and require measures to prevent any unauthorized spreading or distribution of the plugin.

How quickly can I get the advanced version?

Once we receive your purchase order, we will promptly prepare and deliver your customized licensed plugin. Please allow a few additional days for shipping via post.

The regular price is currently 900 Euro

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